C.H.A.M.S. + A.M.S.A.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
This is the Frequently asked questions tab. Below are some frequently ask question that we get from new/returning members. Please read the Questions and Answers below to see if you question has been answered. If not, contact us via Go-Chat below, through E-mail, or in person at College of the Canyons.
Q: Is CHAMS free?
A: CHAMS is a free club, in which you are able to join at any time. "Active member" status is granted once achieving a certain point threshold, gained by helping out the club.
Q: How do I earn points?
A: You can earn points in chams though various ways, of which can be but are not limited to making posters, attending workshops and meetings, and volunteering at various events throughout the semester such as Fundraisers, Light the Night, and Relay for Life.